Product Information Management (PIM)


When interfaces in the supply-chain for product and marketing management need streamlining for efficiency and consistency, the Product Information Management (PIM) or Master Data Management (MDM) bridges the two worlds together. Product data evolves from its sourcing through to the multi-channel selling process. Speed to market is critical, and Onison streamlines processes from the sourcing through the enrichment and to the syndication of content to all channels. Onison lets you syndicate to channels or individual targets. This allows for the rapid introduction of new items and for instant updating.

 It is a cornerstone of any successful multi-channel strategy that all product and marketing related master data is collected and managed in one central platform that is flexible in accomodating your changing requirements.


An integrated module in the ImageDirector Media Asset Management System, handles raw SKU’s (Stock Keeping Units), supplier identifications, internal article numbers, prices, quantities, delivery and rollout dates as well as all the marketing information and descriptions that are required for global and localized markets. Additional fields can be activated with changing requirements.


Complex Pricing


The PIM handles complex pricing and rebate options as well as sales, promotions, and package prices. The complexities include multiple images per article, special attribute images, and article relationships. Having a PIM that spans product and marketing management introduces vast efficiency gains that dramatically reduce handling cost and time-to-market. Moreover, the information is up-to-date instantly and across all channels.



Combined with the automated catalogue production and/or with the variable data printing module (VDP), localized collaterals can be produced fully automated and according to the local selections. Through the intelligent XML API of ImageDirector, ecommerce websites can be kept up-to-date without any user interaction through push purposing of changes in the PIM.



Changes can be incorporated and electronic as well as  print collaterals can be updated at the flick of a switch as the information flow for products is integrated throughout the entire supply-chain, including multiple local language adaptations.

Multiple Languages


Securely purposing, centralizing, and retrieving product assets in multiple languages becomes time and cost efficient without the investments, maintenance demands, or costs that are associated with installed software systems

More info

The complete suite of Single Source for Brand Management.


The Company

Onison Corporation is a leading global provider of branding tools that assist companies to manage their digital assets and contents for various media outputs.

Products & Services

Onison's scalable enterprise brand management platform provides a smart approach to manage brand and marketing workflows.

ImageDirector Media Asset Management
Preeon Web-to-Print Publisher
Automatic Catalogue Production
Product Information Management

We are available 365/24/7 with a primary goal to ensure that our customers utilize their applications to their full potential.

+41 44 585 36 63

North America:
+1 604 681 4191
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brilliance in simplicity